How was the AAU season this summer?
The summer was great, got alot of exposure plus I got closer with my teammates. Most importantly I got better on and off the court.
Now that the AAU season is over, do you have any expectations for team & yourself?
With the new school I have high expectations to do what I'm supposed to do on and off the court. My goals are to win the conference and state titles and to be on the All-Met list.
What is the strongest part of your game?
I just make plays on offense and defense.
What are some things you want to work on?
To not take plays off.
What College or NBA player would you compare your game to?
A little bit of Kevin Durant and Tyreke Evans.
What schools have offered you? Who is showing interest?
Ohio State, Seton Hall, Miami, Virginia Tech, Georgetown, Florida, South Florida and Villianova have offered and I'm getting interest from Indiana, NC State Rutgers and Kansas.
Ohio State recently offered, how did you find out about the offer? How do you feel about OSU?
I love Ohio State and how they develop players and win games. I found out about the offer from my AAU coach.
Any visits lined up?
Not right now but I defiantly will get some in before the year is over.
The Buckeye Board would like to thank Franklin Howard for his time & as always keep checking back for future updates. Give me a follow on twitter @BuckeyeBoardCD